søndag den 4. august 2013

Alle de (bogtitel-)klichéer jeg kan se herfra hvor jeg sidder:

The Sagas of Icelanders, The Horses of Iceland, Icelandic Handknits, Icelandic Vikings, Icelandic Literature of the Vikings, Icelandic Ghost Stories, The Hidden People of Iceland, Edda, Island - Feuer und Ice, Experience Iceland, Icelandic Landscapes, Icelandic Volcanoes, Iceland - Fire and Ice, Iceland Original, Northern Lights, Aurora, Volcano Iceland, Through the Eyes of the Vikings, Lost in Iceland, Incredible Iceland, Lebende Erde, Wonders of Iceland, The Puffin, Magic of Iceland, Icelandic Horses, History of Iceland, Iceland Getaway, Eyjafjallajökull, Adventure in Iceland, Die Farben des Islandspferdes, Island - Porträt des Landes und Volkes, Ice and Fire, Light and Nature, Blue Lagoon, Islands ungebändigte Kraft, Island - Die warm Insel des Norden

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